You must use this generator BEFORE you adopt to determine what gender baby you are adopting. Only pay attention to the gender part if you are attempting to adopt a baby.

All you need to do is click the box a few more times and the trait list will appear!)
This is a known bug that we haven’t figured out how to fix. To use this generator simply input the parents’ traits and click generate as soon as the baby becomes a child. (NOTE: sometimes the 2nd and 3rd Parent trait lists don’t show up in their boxes right away when you click it. The Adult Aspiration is only listed as an optional choice, now. NOTE: If you complete the assigned Teen Aspiration before reaching adulthood you can either choose the assigned adult aspiration next, or choose one of your own. If you choose to use this one, make sure that you either write down what you get somewhere or take a screenshot of it and save it. This generator will give you a random Sim with all traits and aspirations (both child and adult) at once.